Nov 8, 20223 min


Updated: Apr 20, 2023

by Andie

What are they?

Cruciferous vegetables are actually their informal name,they are members of the mustard family and comes from the Latin cruciferae meaning “cross bearing,” because their four petals resemble a cross.

Why are they in trend these days?

Cruciferos has been found to be rich in several vitamins and minerals. They also contain phytonutrients — plant-based compounds that may help to lower inflammation and reduce the risk of developing cancer, due to their content of a potent phytochemical called sulforaphane (and that's why they are considered a "superfood". The highest levels of sulforaphane are found in raw vegetables and It’s activated only when vegetables are chopped or chewed. So please, do not overcook them! If you follow my recipes you'll see how much I insist on watching the temperature when cooking your veggies.

Cruciferous and fat-loss

And here comes what may get your full attention if you're trying to shed a few pounds.

Studies indicate that cruciferous vegetables contain a substance called glucosinolates, which may have an impact on a number of cardiometabolic disorders, namely, improvements in glycemic control, blood pressure, and lipid profile, which may lead to a reduction or delay in disease progression.

In addition, cruciferous vegetables are also high in protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Research shows that getting about 30 grams of fiber each day can boost weight loss, lower your blood pressure, and reduce obesity and diabetes risk factors. Note that one serving of cruciferous vegetables has up to 20% of your daily fiber requirement.

One of the first things I recommend including in the diet of my clients are cruciferous. Many people think some cruciferous produce bloating. Well, yes and no.

Yes, because it may happen that some people may not have the enzymes to digest certain types of vegetables, so the recommendation in those cases would be to avoid them.

And no, because a certain type of vegetable may not be the root cause of your stomach distress. In my case, I couldn't eat broccoli, coliflower and brussels sprouts because the bloating and stomachache afterwards, was horrible. But that was before knowing I was lactose intolerant and non-celiac gluten intolerant. I suffered stomach discomfort because my bowl was completely inflamed and, plus, I used to put cheese and cream on everything! So the root cause of bloating were not the cruciferous, was the cheese and the gluten I was eating!

Today, after 2 years of healing I can enjoy all type of cruciferous with any physical discomfort. Same happen with the beans, but that info is for another article!

If you want to enjoy this wonderful veggies but you are afraid of feeling stomach distress, I recommend you also pay attention to other foods you are eating.

And now is when Mindful Eating starts helping a lot!

Pay attention to your first meal of the day, eat mindfully and slowly. After you eat try not to rush into your following tasks. Pay attention to your stomach. Do you feel any discomfort? After eating, how soon did you feel very hungry again?

In the following 3 hour, did you have a headache? Did you feel fatigued?

If your answer is yes to any of the above questions, check if you are regularly having any of the common allergens, such as milk, soy, eggs, wheat, etc. This is an easy way to test by yourself what foods may be causing your discomfort.

List of cruciferous vegetables

Bring the following list next time you go groceries shopping. Choose a new cruciferous every week. Be curious and enjoy the process!

1. Broccoli and family

- Broccoli

- Broccoli sprouts

- Cauliflower

- Brussels sprouts

- Green cabbage

- Red cabbage

2. Leafy Greens

- Collard greens

- Mustard greens

- Kale

- Bok choy

- Swiss chard

- Watercress

3. Root vegetables

- Turnips

- Rutabaga

- Radishes

I hope this info is very helpful for you. If you have any questions or comments, I'll be happy to read you.

Have a wonderful day, wherever you are.



